
Back on the horse

Well PCP Brothers & Sisters,

It's confession time. I have NOT been a pure PCPer this week. Commitments at work wiped out two days of exercise (like 20 hour days) and then there was the catch up on sleep. I have stuck to the diet though.

It feels good to get it off my (significantly more muscular) chest.

I know it's not cool at all. It means that I won't be getting the most out of the programme. The only thing to do is to have some perfect PCP days. And then repeat.

Check out the latest flicker photo - this sh*t really works. I'm happy for what the PCP has done for me and want to see the next stages.

I did my first 8 minute abs today (Mark made me). Yeah.

1 comment:

  1. How did the ab thing go.... I haven't done it yet :( Honestly I am scared!
