
Blogging it out: Thank you PCP

So it's the end of the PCP (its been over for a month actually) and its finally time to do my last blog.

Over the course of the project:
  • I lost 10 Kgs. This is the best part and just excellent. I feel good, I look better and everybody says so.
  • I'm still in control of the diet. I've learnt to eat and appreciate real food. This isn't changing.
  • I learnt a lot about exercise, general health etc.
  • I've remembered that I actually enjoy exercise.
  • I've realised that my life generally is out of balance. Too much work mostly. Some days I couldn't find an hour, or even 30 minutes to exercise - I was not a good PCPer when it come to the exercise during the last part of the programme. This has made me realise that I must prioritise myself over work -this must be the future path for me.
I'm immensely happy, and grateful, that I did the project.

I'm looking forward to the next thing. My mates in Hong Kong are talking about The Chisel - and I want to apply and go on this course, if they'll have me. After the PCP I know the kind of commitment that's involved and I'm much more ready this time - I'll find at least an hour a day to exercise, and start doing my own stuff at lunchtime to get prepped.

Thanks everybody,




So I'm in NYC - it's cool I love it here.

I walked around the city today for my cardio.

Then hit the gym at the hotel.

My knee is properly f*cked up though. After a days walking I'm limping around. Going to have to get it lookd at.

Good news is I went on a shopping spree - none of my old clothes fit me.

I had to buy all new trousers and belts. I'm down to a 32 inch waist - I was a 38 at the beginning of the PCP!


So its been a pretty bad week

So it's been a pretty bad week on the PCP.

Managed to injure a knee skipping - don't know how. Wasn't really pushing it - trying a few new moves.
It was bad news. The leg is injured. I was travelling in China limping around.

And then the diet went out of the window. I had some large dinners with clients. Twelve course Chinese banquets. Then tubs of ice cream, pizzas - the lot.

And then I started drinking.

Had a good email chat with Patrick who gave me some decent practical advice:
  • Don't beat yourself up too much about it - just make the right choices from now on.
  • Take care of the knee - listen to your body. Work on building the muscles up again slowly.
  • Swim for cardio.
  • If you cant do any cardio (I'm travelling again next week) take out 70 grams of carbohydrates per day from the diet.
  • No reason not to do the strength training plus 8 minutes abs.

It's interesting how I can feel the fat coming back around my waist!
But I have decided to be in cotrol of my own body.

I'm back on the diet and the training.

The knee is getting much better fast - no more limping. Although I'm not doing any leg exercises yet - I'll introduce them again this week - very gently. I'll try some walking and swimming for cardio.

I'm back from China so I can blog again - no blogging on the mainland due to the censorship laws.

I'll blog after my training every day - hassle me if I don't.




Dear PCPers, gonna be travelling to China for a few days - will be blogging on my return...


Back on the horse

Well PCP Brothers & Sisters,

It's confession time. I have NOT been a pure PCPer this week. Commitments at work wiped out two days of exercise (like 20 hour days) and then there was the catch up on sleep. I have stuck to the diet though.

It feels good to get it off my (significantly more muscular) chest.

I know it's not cool at all. It means that I won't be getting the most out of the programme. The only thing to do is to have some perfect PCP days. And then repeat.

Check out the latest flicker photo - this sh*t really works. I'm happy for what the PCP has done for me and want to see the next stages.

I did my first 8 minute abs today (Mark made me). Yeah.


The scales say I've lost 8.2 KGs

Which is awesome - very happy with that.
I need to find some time to go through my cupboards to find old clothes.

Bad news is I just pulled a 21 hour shift at work, no skipping today. But I got the job done.

Back on the horse tomorrow. I'm looking forward to what the new diet has in store. And catch up on sleeeeeeeeeep.


Just for the record - I like egg whites. And I love the idea of losing fat faster in the morning...

I do. I like em boiled. I just scarf em down no problem. Woof.
I don't know what the rest of you moaning minnies are making such a fuss about.

I have been feeling a bit achey today so I haven't done the workout yet - so its gonna be another late workout for me.

However, I love the idea of losing fat faster by exercising before breakfast - as per Patrick's post this week. I'm gonna commit to doing it once this week.

I can walk quickly to work in 17 minutes door-to-desk if I take the escalator down the hill from mid-levels into Central. You can bomb down the hill at 6.50am, there's hardly anybody around - just a bunch of other bankers legging it into work.

So the plan is to get up at 6.00am, skip as much as possible in 20 minutes (I won't be able to do the 1,500 in that time, but what ever I can) followed by a shower and pegging it in to work at around 6.55am.

I know it's not Ricky-like levels of commitment, but it's good enough for me. If I do it once, I'll do it again.....

