Over the course of the project:
- I lost 10 Kgs. This is the best part and just excellent. I feel good, I look better and everybody says so.
- I'm still in control of the diet. I've learnt to eat and appreciate real food. This isn't changing.
- I learnt a lot about exercise, general health etc.
- I've remembered that I actually enjoy exercise.
- I've realised that my life generally is out of balance. Too much work mostly. Some days I couldn't find an hour, or even 30 minutes to exercise - I was not a good PCPer when it come to the exercise during the last part of the programme. This has made me realise that I must prioritise myself over work -this must be the future path for me.
I'm looking forward to the next thing. My mates in Hong Kong are talking about The Chisel - and I want to apply and go on this course, if they'll have me. After the PCP I know the kind of commitment that's involved and I'm much more ready this time - I'll find at least an hour a day to exercise, and start doing my own stuff at lunchtime to get prepped.
Thanks everybody,
Great job Matt, thousands of small healthy choices add up! COMPLETE!